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Text File | 1999-02-21 | 18.3 KB | 461 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- MacChess 5.0.1 Manual by Wim van Beusekom Rotterdam December 1998
- (Updated Feb. 1999 by Richard A. Fowell for 5.0.1)
- MacChess 5.0.1 is Freeware and consists of four files:
- the application file, a data file, and two text files:
- - MacChess 5.0 program; 528,783 bytes.
- - MacChess Opening Book; MacChess 5.0 document 227,388 bytes.
- - ~Manual MacChess 5.0.1; SimpleText document 19,085 bytes.
- - ~New in MacChess 5.0.1; SimpleText document 4,903 bytes.
- - ~History of MacChess; SimpleText document 8,072 bytes.
- - ~Learning Chess; SimpleText document 1,997 bytes.
- As well as some supplementary information, games and tests:
- - Folder Mate positions: MC M02, MC M07, MC M08, MC M09, MC M10, MC M11,
- MC M13, MC M13/2, MC M16, MC M30
- - Folder Testen: Serie CCR and a folder CCR
- - Folder EPD tests:
- LCTII.epd, BT 2630.epd, CCR.epd, Maresch.epd, Win at Chess.epd
- - Folder Test Instructions: CCR Instructions/Results,
- BT2630 Instructions, LCTII Instructions, Maresch Instructions
- MacChess 5.0.1 requires a Power Macintosh.
- (If you don't have a Power Macintosh, the non-Power Macintosh version,
- MacChess 2.5.1, is available from the downloads page at the Web site:
- http://members.aol.com/Macchess/ )
- MacChess has been tested on many Power Macs: 6100, 7300, 7600,
- and Power Macs with a 604e and G3 processor.
- Please let me know of any problems with other Power Macintosh models.
- MacChess requires about 4000 K, but wants more memory for
- “Transposition Tables.” MacChess uses transposition table sizes:
- 0.5 Mb, 1Mb, 2Mb, 4Mb, 8Mb, 16Mb, 32Mb and 64Mb.
- The "About MacChess" item in the Apple Menu shows the current table size.
- If you have lots of memory (RAM), you can use it to give MacChess larger
- transposition tables by using the Finder "Get Info" command in the
- File menu on the MacChess application file to increase the "Preferred Size"
- to the desired Transposition Table size plus 4000K.
- Generally, doubling transposition table size increases strength by
- roughly 8 rating points, and is most useful in the ending.
- MacChess test results suggest that a 4000Kb table is optimal for
- the middle game.
- Memory problems:
- If you are short on memory, reducing your screen color depth.
- (Using "256 color" instead of "thousands of colors" will
- reduce MacChess's memory requirements.)
- Castling is a move of the king, not the rook.
- Just move the king two squares, and if castling is allowed,
- the rook will move by itself.
- The opening book version 5.0 contains 66,022 moves.
- =============================================================================
- When MacChess is launched, the chess board is in the upper left corner
- of the screen. There are five more windows:
- • Main Line: (Principal Variation)
- This shows the best continuation MacChess has found so far.
- • Info: Information about the search:
- - score: MacChess's evaluation of the position
- If the score is -M4 then MacChess can be checkmated in 4 moves.
- If the score is +90, then MacChess thinks it stands about a Pawn better.
- - depth/max.depth: Search depth so far, in normal and extended continuations.
- The first figure shows the search depth of MacChess and the second
- figure shows the highest search depth with extensions.
- - number of moves: Number of moves considered
- The second figure shows the number of moves minus the moves
- leading to a checkmate.
- - move/number:
- This shows the candidate move being considered.
- The number that follows indicates how many candidate moves have
- been considered at this search depth.
- - nodes: The number of nodes which are visited.
- A node is a possible future position that is examined.
- - nodes/sec: The number of nodes examined per second.
- - phase of the game:
- This shows what phase of the game MacChess thinks it is in:
- opening, middlegame or endgame.
- For example: KR-K indicates a King + Rook vs. King endgame.
- • Time:
- This window displays the clocks of white (left) and black (right).
- The times are displayed in hours:minutes:seconds format.
- For each player, it displays:
- Line 1: Time used so far (total, elapsed).
- Line 2: Time used on the latest move.
- Line 3: Time (average - per move) remaining before next time control.
- Line 4: Number of moves remaining until next time control.
- Line 5: Time remaining (total) until next time control.
- Above the clock display, the colors controlled by MacChess are shown:
- MacChess - Player,
- Player - MacChess,
- Player - Player, or
- MacChess - MacChess.
- (You can change "Player" to your name using "Options: Player Name ...")
- • Moves:
- The game score is displayed here.
- There are "VCR-style" control buttons on the bottom for controlling
- the monitor (game review) mode.
- The "VCR" buttons let you step through (>|) or animate (>) the game.
- To stop a game animation, click and hold on the pause (||) VCR button.
- • Opening Book:
- At program launch, this displays the version number and the number of
- opening book moves. During the game, the name of the opening played and
- the ECO code is shown here. The lower right corner of this window
- displays the move number where the game leaves MacChess's opening book.
- =============================================================================
- • Apple menu:
- - About MacChess:
- This displays:
- - the version number of MacChess
- - the version number and number of moves from the opening book
- - the size of the transposition table
- - the name and address of the Author.
- - Freeware:
- This displays the restrictions on the distribution of MacChess, i.e.:
- MacChess 5.0 may be used freely, however it is copyrighted and is
- not in the public domain. It may not be distributed for profit or
- included in any CD-ROM collection of software without permission.
- Individuals, user groups and online services are encouraged to
- distribute MacChess 5.0 provided it is not modified in any way.
- I would appreciate it if you sent me email or a postcard to tell me
- what you think of MacChess 5.0.
- If there are any errors in the MacChess 5.0 program and its
- documents, please let me know. Thanks.
- • File:
- - New Game: [CMD-N] Starts a new game.
- - Open Game: [CMD-O] Opens a game stored in MacChess format.
- - Import:
- PGN: (Portable Game Notation) reads a standard PGN ASCII text game file.
- See the "Notes" at the end of this file for where to find PGN files.
- The name of the text file must end in .PGN.
- EPD: (Extended Position Description) reads a standard EPD chess position.
- The name of the text file must end in .EPD.
- - Save Game: [CMD-S] Saves a game in MacChess format. If the current game
- already exists on disk in MacChess format, this command
- will update (overwrite) the existing file without
- further prompting.
- - Save Game As ...: Save game in MacChess format in a user-specified file.
- - Save:
- Game Text as Column: Saves the game text in ASCII format, one row per full-move.
- Game Text as Rows: Saves the game text in ASCII format in rows (compactly).
- Board Graphic: Saves the board position as a picture (PICT format).
- Board as Text: Saves the board position as an ASCII text representation.
- - Export:
- PGN: (Portable Game Notation) writes a standard PGN ASCII text file.
- EPD: (Extended Position Description) writes a standard EPD chess position.
- - Page Setup: Sets printer options
- - Print Game: [CMD-P] Prints the game text in at most four columns on a page.
- - Print:
- Game Text as Rows: Prints the game text in rows.
- Board Graphic: Prints the board position in graphic format.
- Board as Text: Prints the board position as an ASCII text representation.
- - Quit: [CMD-Q] Exits the MacChess program.
- • Edit:
- - Undo: [CMD-Z] Takes back a move. You may take back moves repeatedly.
- - Redo: [CMD-R] Replays the move that was last taken back.
- - Cut: [CMD-X] disabled.
- - Copy: [CMD-C] This copies information from the active window to the
- Clipboard. What is copied depends on which window is
- active (in front, highlighted):
- Moves window - a game in PGN format to the Clipboard.
- Board window - the board position in EPD format to the Clipboard.
- Main Line window - the principal variation into the Clipboard.
- - Paste: [CMD-V] This will paste to the active window as follows:
- Moves window - a PGN game from the Clipboard into MacChess.
- Board window - the EPD position from the Clipboard into MacChess.
- - Clear: disabled.
- - Preferences: [CMD-;]
- Show the Preferences dialog box and lets you select:
- = General:
- - Opening book [ on/off ]
- - Permanent Brain [ on/off ]
- - Beep [ on/off ]
- - Notation [ Short algebraic or long Algebraic ] and
- [ Piece Letters ]
- = Chessboard:
- - Piece movement [ click-click or Sliding (click & drag) ]
- [ Sliding: Slow - Fast ]
- - Board size [ Normal (32x32) or Big (48x48) ]
- - Color [ color or black & white ]
- Piece Sets:
- - Classical:
- - Modern:
- - American: by Richard A. Fowell.
- - Cheque: by Heinrich E. Roescheisen.
- - Zuerich: by Heinrich E. Roescheisen.
- Square Colors:
- - Light Blue
- - Green and Buff by Richard A. Fowell.
- - Light Brown
- - Light Red
- - Grey
- - Blue
- - Green
- - Brown
- Save Preferences
- - All options in the preference menu will be saved.
- • Players:
- - Play [CMD-G]
- Switches colors so MacChess has the move - also starts MacChess thinking.
- - Player vs MacChess: Player (white) against MacChess (black).
- - MacChess vs Player: MacChess (white) against Player (black).
- - Player vs Player: Can also be used to reach a position through
- an opening you choose yourself.
- - MacChess vs MacChess: MacChess plays automatically against itself.
- • Level:
- - Set Level: [CMD-L]
- Play times: You can choose time per move and number of moves.
- Tournament times: You can choose the time per game and the number of moves.
- This can be done for three time controls.
- Increment time per move.
- Can be set for separate colors.
- Sudden death game:You can set the time for the whole game in minutes per
- game.
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60.
- An alert box notifies you when the time is passed.
- Easy: Choose this level if you want an easy game.
- Random: MacChess makes random moves
- Easy Easy: MacChess will trade its Queen for a Knight or Bishop.
- Easy 1: Depth = 1
- Easy 2: Depth = 2
- Easy 3: Depth = 3
- Easy 4: Depth = 4
- Fixed depth: You can set the search depth at. (1-64)
- Mate in: MacChess searches to a mate in ... (1-32)
- This finds forced mates quickly and correctly if the
- depth is correct.
- It doesn't always find mates faster than the regular
- search, however.
- Infinite: MacChess searches till you stop it with [command] F.
- Or a forced completion is reached - e.g., forced mate.
- Save Level Settings: MacChess remembers the time control setting.
- (Quick level settings)
- - Easy 1
- - Easy 2
- - Easy 3
- - Easy 4
- - 1 second / 60
- - 3 seconds/ 60
- - 5 seconds/ 60
- - 15 seconds/ 60
- - 30 seconds/ 60
- - 60 seconds/ 60
- - Game 2 minutes
- - Game 5 minutes
- - Game 10 minutes
- - Infinity
- - Reset Time: [CMD-=]
- The clocks are initialized again as follow.
- Reset example: one minute per move, number of moves 60, after 24 moves.
- - Total time used: 24 x 1 minute = 24 minutes.
- - Time per move 1 minute.
- - Number of moves left 36.
- - Total time left: 36 x 1 minute = 36 minutes.
- • Options:
- - Game Info: [CMD-I]
- You can fill in the fields for the standard PGN tags and two lines of
- comments. This information is also saved. Only the White, Black and Info
- will be printed.
- - Player Name ...:
- You can fill in and save a player's name. The first eight letters of
- that name will be displayed in the time window as the name of MacChess's
- opponent.
- - Game Pause: [CMD-H]
- The clocks will be stopped and we wait.
- - Hint:
- The move that MacChess thinks is your best continuation.
- Note: this is the second move of the Main Line shown in the PV window.
- Note: not available when the game is still in the MacChess opening book.
- - Force Move: [CMD-F]
- Make MacChess move immediately.
- - Setup Board: [CMD-U]
- You can set up any legitimate board position. Clicking on a piece makes
- the square empty, clicking on an empty square puts the piece on it.
- Items:
- Icons: 6 Black and 6 White piece icons for placing pieces.
- Radio buttons: Use to select whether White or Black is to move.
- Buttons:
- Full Board: Sets the Setup Board to the starting position.
- Empty Board: Sets the Setup Board to an empty board
- Flip Board: Rotates the Setup board 180 degrees.
- Cancel: Exit Setup Board as though you never entered.
- Ok: If the Setup Board position is legal, you can play.
- - Flip Board: [CMD-D] turns the game board 180 degrees, reversing
- whether White or Black is at the top.
- - Next Best Move:
- This option takes back MacChess's last move, and searches for the
- best different move. Note that repeating this option will search
- the moves remaining other than the previous "best moves" of
- the move list until no moves are left.
- • Analyses:
- - Analyze MC Positions:
- This analyzes a series of positions and saves the results to disk.
- After selecting 'Analyze Positions' you progress through four dialog boxes:
- 1 - Set the time or depth to analyze each position
- 2 - Select the file that lists the position files (such as Serie CCR).
- 3 - Select the name of your output file.
- 4 - Confirm the information you have entered, and
- see how long the analysis will take.
- - Analyze EPD Positions:
- This does the same as Analyze Positions except it analyzes the
- positions stored in a file in .EPD format. Such files must be text files,
- and their names must end in .EPD. Of course, they must contain positions
- in proper .EPD format. Many such files are provided with MacChess.
- While MacChess is analyzing an Analysis Status window shows information
- about the test being run.
- For example, when testing a file of .EPD positions, it shows:
- - the name of the file
- - the "id" (identification field) and "bm" (best move) or
- "am" (move to avoid)
- - the number of the position being examined and the total number of
- positions in the file.
- - Analyze Game:
- This will analyze all or part of a game for white or black or
- both colors. The results are saved in a file.
- - Stop Analyzing:
- Exit the analysis session.
- - Analyze Player vs Player:
- This option puts MacChess in the player vs player mode and activates
- the search engine. So you can watch the search output while playing
- the moves yourself.
- - Log:
- This saves the search output to disk during a game. This will let you see
- what MacChess was thinking when you review the game later.
- • Windows:
- - Hide(Show) PV Window [CMD-1]
- - Hide(Show) Info Window [CMD-2]
- - Hide(Show) Book Window [CMD-3]
- - Hide(Show) Moves Window [CMD-4]
- - Hide(Show) Time Window [CMD-5]
- - Save Window Positions
- Remember the window positions and whether they are open or closed.
- The next time you launch MacChess, the windows will come up the
- way you saved them.
- =============================================================================
- postal address: Hammarskjoldplaats 284
- 3069 RH Rotterdam.
- The Netherlands.
- email address: beusekom@knoware.nl
- ============================================================================
- Notes:
- 1) PGN is "Portable Game Notation,” and EPD is "Extended Position Notation.”
- These are standards respectively for storing games and positions so that
- other software can read them. The detailed description of the standard
- is at: ftp://caissa.onenet.net/pub/chess/PGN/Standard
- Many chess-playing programs and chess database programs support EPD and PGN.
- Thousands of PGN files can be found on the Internet - here are some sites:
- * 30,000 games from the last few years, arranged by opening:
- http://www.hsv.tis.net/chess/regence/regence.htm
- * Grandmaster tournament games from the current week (and prior weeks)
- http://www.chesscenter.com/twic/twic.html
- * Older games, collected by player name, and by event (over 250,000 games)
- http://www.pitt.edu/~schach
- MacChess reads the first 500 games in a PGN file. If there are more, split
- the file into chunks with 500 games or less with a text editor like
- BBEdit Lite.
- 2) "Permanent Brain" means the computer thinks on your time, that its "Brain"
- is "Permanently" active. If MacChess beats you all the time, you may want
- to turn this off, and give MacChess a short time to think in the "Level"
- menu. Giving MacChess a small time without turning off Permanent Brain has
- much less effect, since it thinks on your move. If it still wins too often,
- use the "Setup" option so that it starts the game without one of its pieces -
- such as a Queen ("Queen odds") or Rook ("Rook odds"). As you improve, you
- can move from Queen odds to Rook odds to Knight odds to Pawn odds.
- You can also make use of the "Easy" levels.
- 3) Information about Macintosh computer chess software and utilities can be
- found on the Web in the "Macintosh Chess FAQ" at:
- <http://www.cybercity.hko.net/newyork/mhousho/index.html>
- at the Macintosh chess software index page at:
- http://directory.mozilla.org/Games/Board_Games/Chess/Software/Macintosh/
- and also from Richard A. Fowell's MacChess Home Page at:
- <http://members.aol.com/Macchess/>